Installation for the production of milk and whey concentrate by ultrafiltration - Productivity 20 t/h - Fully automatic management of processes during operation and washing. - Integrated washing system. - Automatic preparation of washing solutions - Visualization and management of processes through a control panel
Automated reverse osmosis whey processing system
Whey processing by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis - Productivity 5 -20 t/h - Automatic maintenance of capacity and compression ratio - Fully automatic management of processes during operation and washing. - Integrated washing system. - Automatic preparation of washing solutions - Визуализация и управление...
Processing of apple juice
Apple juice clarification plant - Productivity 4 -20 t/h - Fully automatic management of processes during operation and washing. - Integrated washing system. - Automatic preparation of washing solutions - Visualization and management of processes through a control panel
Installations for cheese production by Ultrafiltration
The resulting product is known in Bulgaria as "Danube" cheese. Parameters: - Compression ratio – 1:5 - Fully automatic control of the entire cycle. - Automatic management of washing cycles. - Visualization of processes. It covers the processes from receiving raw milk to packaging the cheese in the packages. Parameters: - Производителност...
Filling machine for dispensing and filling cheese, produced by ultrafiltration or other technologies directly in sales packages
Parameters: - Productivity - from 0.5 to 2 t/h - Automatic dosing of the ratio of components - Automatic volume dosing in packages.
Automatic CIP installations for complete washing of dishes and machines in the food industry
Automatic multi-circuit systems for washing dishes and appliances (CIP) - Simultaneous automatic washing of various objects ( depending on the system contours) - Automatic preparation of washing solutions - Automatic stream switching - Visualization and management of processes through a control panel
Membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment
Installation for the treatment of waste water from milk processing enterprises - Може да бъде изградена като нова инсталация или да бъде интегрирана към съществуваща пречиствателна инсталация - Productivity 10 – 50 t/h - Повишава производителноистта на съществуващите пречиствателни съоръжения - По-малка необходима площ в сравнение със стандартна птечиствателна инсталация
Systems for automated process management
Systems for automatic control of industrial processes - Using modern controllers and panels for visualization and control - Гъвкавост на системите с възможност за промени и надграждане - Възможност за отдалечен достъп за поддръжка, наблюдение и контрол